Monday, March 12, 2012

A Spring in My Step

Happy Spring! (I say this reluctantly as I still think we'll be getting snow one of these days. We still have NJCAA tourney and spring break - two events that are sure to bring out the winter weather again!)

But for now, I'm enjoying this beautiful spring-like weather as I'm sure all of you are, too. There's something extra special about a run when it's done in shorts and running capris - even better when it's shorts and a t-shirt! I know my kidlets have enjoyed the fresh air, too, as we've been venturing out in the BOB Duallie for laps around the neighborhood post-afternoon naps (50 pounds of combined kiddo weight + 10 pound carseat + 10-15 pound stroller = massive resistance training!).

I even signed up for a few spring races, one of which happened this weekend with the St. Pat's 10K in Carey Park. It was my first race post-baby and I wasn't expecting much - just a simple tune-up race to get my running mojo back. And it worked. After a sleepless night (5 month old babe thinks sleep is now overrated at night), I managed to run a 10K under my goal time and cross the finish line in 51:09. That's actually one of my better 10K times (I know, not saying much as this body isn't a speedster!). The race was a fun way to kick off the spring and definitely helped my confidence in my next race - my favorite race of the year - the Easter Sun Run 10K on April 7. I've also been eyeing the Wichita Half on April 29, though I have yet to do a double-digit run. (maybe this weekend will be the big 10-miler I need to overcome?!)

What about you, my fellow running friends and confidants? What races have you signed up for this spring? And how are those tune-up runs going after a pretty mild winter?

Enjoy the beautiful weather this week! Nothing like 70-80 degrees and sunshine (bonus: little wind!) to put some spring in my step!

Happy Running!
Amy - AKA Mama on the Run