Saturday, July 23, 2011

Training right along with you...

The one and only downside to being a race director... not being able to run in the race you are planning!  I'm hoping on race day that I'll be so busy and so excited watching all of you run the race and cross the finish line that I won't have time to feel like I'm missing out.  I'll be a part of the race day fervor I'm sure. 

But in the mean time - I've made a commitment to train along with you.  I've been out running no doubt, but honestly I've been a bit reluctant to share how things are going sometimes (and really busy too!).  I've realized though that I'm probably not alone... training rarely ever goes perfectly or exactly how you plan right?  Today's run was a great one; one that I wished I could run every time my feet hit the pavement. The morning was still a bit cool from the night and I was up at 5:45 as planned.  I ate two slices of toast and started hydrating. I got dressed, remembered everything I needed; gum, lip balm, iPhone, head-phones, heart rate monitor and water (yes - I do in fact NEED these things!) and set out.  As I set off I left happy (maybe that's important...). I realized I had in fact gotten up really early, the morning wasn't sweltering, I wasn't melting (well okay - I was a little), I wouldn't run out of water, I had plenty of energy... I made it the 13 miles I planned and a ran just over what I hope will be race pace.  It felt great.  Good enough to be brave enough to tell you about the morning runs that didn't go great...

I always plan to be up to 5:30 to avoid the heat and have time to eat a good breakfast and get ready for work.  More times than I want to admit - 5:30 gets snoozed or ignored and it becomes 6:30 or even 7:00.  I start late, it gets hot, I forgot to eat something or forgot to grab a drink before heading out because I was so tired, hurried and worried about the "late" hour...  those kinds of mornings never make for great runs for me.  On those days, I don't really want to check my watch each mile to gauge my pace - but I do... On those days, I don't really want to go the distance I planned because that means running faster than I think I can - but I try and it doesn't always go well... On those days, I run out of water, or forget it entirely, and then get a bit dehydrated and a bit grumpy for the rest of the day - but I still keep putting one foot in front of the other.  And I bet you do too.

Training for me isn't ever perfect. But, I'm trying to remember that though many of us are following our own plans and have our own goals; our experiences are probably being shared, even if only in spirit.  So I'm training with you now and I'll be running with you on race day - even if it is only in spirit.

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